Saturday, August 26, 2006

3. Barrier:
Relying on Experts for Spiritual Answers

If we are looking for someone who holds definitive answers that will convince and satisfy us completely, we doom ourselves to finding the flaws (in whatever way we define them), for everything can be viewed from innumerable perspectives.

  • Exercise healthy scepticism but remain open-minded and fair.
Pointing out what is wrong with an idea (or behaviour/habit etc.) can be helpful if it serves to disrupt the processes that have led to a harmful perspective. However, attempting to measure the value of a belief (philosophy, religion, or way of life) by looking for and listing what has not been included or mentioned is futile for no one can include every perspective on every issue that cries out to be appreciated or addressed. That does not mean that those views and feelings do not exist, or would not have been included and described had there been time, space and cause for their inclusion.

Misuse and misunderstanding of language.

Language changes through the years. Meaning bends. If we think the worst, we should probably seek clarification.


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